Monday, September 28, 2009

TBRC 2009 Conference Recap

I arrived at the Tyler airport on Friday, then proceeded to the Tyler Sleep Inn to check in to my room. Upon arrival I was greeted by Craig Woolheater. I turned around to see Esteban Sarmiento sitting at the computer and I went over to introduce myself to him.
He is a very nice man, a little shy. I know I scare him, must be my resemblance to a aggressive female primate, lol.

After I get settled, I got put to work! We picked up Loren Coleman from the airport, then Craig and I headed out to purchase treats for the meet and greet. When returned there were about 40 conference speakers and attendees in the lobby. They helped unload the truck and I went to my room to freshen up for the dinner at Rudys.

The dinner was so cool, it was like one big family sitting down, laughing, talking, eating, making new friends.

We then headed back to the hotel for the meet and greet where I set up for my radio show. The atmosphere was so festive and the radio show started off great! lol.
Have a listen...

Friday night meet and greet.

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